סטארטפים בישראל -

http://www.gymex.com/ מנסה לנבא תוצאות משחקים?
http://www.sitelogic.biz/ SiteLogic.biz is a site analysis tool provides
detailed analysis on every website in the internet.
http://www.karmisoft.com/index.php?lang=he Software House for web applications for all mobile phones
http://www.apifix.com/ ApiFix is developing a truly breakthrough
minimally invasive deformity correction system for patients with Adolescent
Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS).
http://vivotext.com/ VivoText has developed a text to speech engine that is virtually
indistringuishable from human recording. VivoText is the first TTS provider to
focus on expressiveness and inflection, and offers our publishing suite to
business worldwide. Look for VivoText starting in Q4 2012
http://www.mecanto.com/ MeCanto enables seamless synchronization,
management, and access to private and commercial music collections, using
desktop, internet, and mobile technologies.
http://twtrland.com/ Social platform that helps identify the person
behind the tweets, and leveraging this data set to transform businesses into
brands, naturally.
איזור חיפה :
נשמעת חברה גדולה שנותנת לספקים גדולים
http://www.hemaclear.com/ hemaclear is the easy to use, sterile
tourniquet for orthopedic surgery. developed and manufactured in Haifa Israel
now sold worldwide.
http://www.lexifone.com/ Unique solution for simple translations via
phone enabling the user to speak his own language with people, while overcoming
is the world's largest online market research panel and online survey software
provider to the global market research industry. Providing online market
research sample and online research panel building expertise to over 3,000 of
the world’s leading market research agencies.
Avril Biopharma Ltd
Avril Develops Egg based vaccines with
the 21st Century DNA technologies

http://www.bazaart.co/ אופנה Bazaart is a personalized fashion catalog for
the iPad. We love fashion and support fashionistas, stylists, personal
shoppers, shopping queens and kings, designers and fashion magazines.
http://likeid.co.il/ פייסבוק
LikeiD is a unique
platform for managing a professional Facebook pages.
http://www.zadarastorage.com/ מחשוב ענן (לא כ"כ
http://www.saguna.net/ Saguna's content and application acceleration solution optimizes your
radio access networks and doubles your capacity. (תשדורות אלחוטיות )
http://www.pineapp.co.il/ תוכנה
לסינון דואר זבל
http://www.callingid.com/Default.aspx Web consumer fraud protection solutions
including LinkAdvisor 2.0 for safe browsing and MySafeFacebook for privacy
protection on Facebook.
http://www.medisafeproject.com/ אפליקציה לצריכת תרופות
http://www.medicvision.com/ פתרונות
להפחתת קרינה בצילומים
http://www.ogmint.com/ פתרנות לשוק השיווק Ogmint is a startup specializing in high-end Augmented Reality
technologies for the retail and advertising markets.
תוכנה לקידום אירועים חברתים במדיה חברתית
Evento is a leading
company in Event Promotion over social media.
http://www.mst-ren.com/ תחום אנרגיה סולארית
http://personyze.com/ ניטור אתרים והתאמת תוכן Personyze offers the most advanced tool in the market for real-time
visitor segmentation and site personalization.
Kyplex - protects websites from viruses.
אזור זכרון ודרומה:

http://www.cellera.biz/ חברה לפתוח תאי דלק
חדשנים A company that develops
and manufactures innovative fuel cells
http://www.newbrandanalytics.com/ newBrandAnalytics builds
innovative social business intelligence solutions, based on real time social
media monitoring, sentiment analysis and automated actionable recommendations.
SQream Technologies SQream Technologies runs big data analytics
extremely fast.
משחקים לפלאפון MetalCompass bring the
ultimate mobile gaming experience by developing real world games and gaming
peripherals for smartphones
http://www.syncfu.com/ תוכנה SyncFu provides you with a solution to create,
manage, distribute & track your own group buying deals
http://www.towntouch.com/About.aspx אפליקציה לאיתור עסקים
http://www.cpattern.com/ CPattern specializes in the real time analysis
of traders' decision making in a variety of Capital Markets with far reaching
business applications. Our solutions are provided as real time Business
Intelligence (BI) and aim to model human trading behavior with respect to
dynamic market fluctuations.
http://www.sophsof.com/ חברת מערכות מידע iBOS-Infographics Business Management Operating
System, a Visual (Infographics) quick implementation BSM solution.
Yooma is a new social website based on
parents groups in their geographical communities, sharing interest in their
children's activities. רשת
נתניה וצפונה :
http://www.totango.com/ Totango provides a Customer Engagement
Management platform, helping online companies to accelerate their revenues by
managing the engagement of their customers.
http://www.rak-itt.com/ Rak I.T
technologies is an innovative company that focuses on green technologies with
specialty in electric motor technology. מנועים
ואנרגיה ירוקה
http://www.compareme.net מנוע
חיפוש השואתי Compareme is a new
social aid tool developed to to assist any individual in Social-Consumer
decision making.
http://iknowfirst.com/ מנוע חיזוי בורסה Our main product is a market forecasting system that predicts
daily more than 150 investment channels: stocks, currencies and commodities.
http://www.applicasa.com/ תוכנה שעוזרת לתכנת אפליקציות לשרתים A server side solution for mobile app developers. With Applicasa,
developers can easily create a full, customized backend for their apps.
אפליקציה לפיסבוק, PhotoMania is an image processing service on
Facebook providing state-of-the-art photo effects.
http://corporate.supportspace.com/ An innovative and
successful startup developing a SaaS platform for online support, using
crowdsourcing. Based in Israel and California, 100-150 employees altogether.
Looking to hire the best and brightest! חברה
גדולה שעוזרת/מיעצת לחברות לעשות הכל, מחקר, ניתוח ועד פרסום .
http://www.xmpie.com/Home פתרונות תוכנה לארגונים ושייוק One to One in One --- XMPie, the leading provider of software for
cross-media, variable data one-to-one marketing, offers solutions to help
businesses create and manage highly-effective direct marketing and cross-media
is building a B2B trading community for businesses to interact with one another
http://www.ruckuswireless.com/ Ruckus Wireless is
supplier of advanced wireless systems for the mobile Internetworking market. The
company markets and manufactures a wide range of indoor and outdoor “Smart
Wi-Fi” products for mobile operators, broadband service providers and corporate
enterprises around the world.
ספקית פתרונות אלחוטים
חברה שמתימרת לשנות את האינטרנט Hola
is building an overlay network for HTTP, DNS, TCP and IP, which will change the
way the Internet works - for the first time in 40 years...
http://www.vocaltec.com/ magicJack
VocalTec Ltd. (Nasdaq symbol: CALL), the inventor of VoIP including the
softphone and magicJack, has the goal of becoming the leading international provider
of global voice over many platforms.
http://www.evigilo.net/ eVigilo’s mission is to enhance emergency responders’ mass notification
capabilities by using a geo-targeted multi-channel alert and notification system
reaching millions of people within seconds. רשת
לשליחת מידע על אסונות
אפליקציה להמשך גלישה ממקום שעצרת Folloyu is a solution
that enables online users to seamlessly move their web activity across
different web-enabled devices. For example: start watching a video on your PC
and continue, instantly, on the smartphone from the exact same spot in the
http://tigaro.com/ Tigaro wireless is design house for digital and wireless solution. The
company focuses in the medical and telecommunication fields. Tigaro wireless
specializes in combined digital, Bluetooth design solution like Bluetooth
gateway and remote Bluetooth devices or BT smart (BLE) sensors.
www.wondervoice-mobile.com אפליקציה
http://www.worklight.com/ נמכרה לאיביאם , מיצרת
אפליקציות לפלאפונים לחברות גדולות.
רעננה , כפ"ס , הוד השרון :
ComoComo ltd - Whether
you are a Gym, a Personal Trainer, a Nutritionist or just have a group of
friends you train with, create your own wellness community within minutes,
giving a powerful tool to your community in order to keep track of both your
fitness activity and nutrition and get social about it.
http://www.liveperson.com/ LivePerson creates meaningful, real time customer connections that help
businesses increase conversions and improve consumer experience.
http://www.championsoncology.com/ Personalized Cancer Treatment solutions. Finding
the right drugs for the right patients, and the right patients for the right
drugs. התאמה אישית לתרופות לסרטן
אתר ExactMe.com redefines the essence of online recruitment by
offering a far more efficient, user-friendly and cost-effective placement
http://www.panayainc.com/ Panaya's
Software-as-a-Service solutions enable companies to save up to 80% of their IT
applications lifecycle costs and minimize the risks associated with system
changes. (התאמות ERP ואוטומטיזציה, נראה חברה
http://www.rubidium.com/ Rubidium is continuously innovating industry
leading speech processing solutions for embedded applications, such as TTS,
ASR, Speech Compression and Biometric Speaker Identification.
http://media.idomoo.com התאמת נתונים מולבשים
ללקוח כוידאו לעסקים גדולים (או ברשתות חברתיות) Personalized
videos for millions of customers - idomoo automatically generates unique videos
for each customer, with personalized messages and relevant offers that achieve
high-impact customer engagement.
http://www.talkahead.com/he/ תוכנה ששולחת תגובות לאתרים מותאמים אישית A simple and highly efficient platform that
takes content-relevancy targeting to a whole new level.
http://www.installfree.com/ להשתמש
במגון תוכנות דרך מערכות הפעלה שונות
We founded InstallFree to solve the
challenges of creating, delivering and managing end-user environments. We
designed our innovative virtualization technology from the ground up based on
extensive input from end-users and IT professionals.
http://www.ravellosystems.com/Ravello_Systems/Ravello_Systems.html מפתחת פתרון שיקל על חברות וארגונים לעבור למחשוב הענן
http://www.bandwd.com מכירת ציוד קצה
וטכנולוגיות BandWD is a leading Network Intelegence and
Control solution provider providing policy-based network management, charging
rules and admission control functionality and Run Time control of Mobile
network congestions.
http://seekingalpha.com/ אתר
למידע על שוק ההון האמריקאי. Seeking Alpha is the premier
website for actionable stock market opinion and analysis, and vibrant,
intelligent finance discussion
http://screenovate.com/index.php Our vision: To make the
smartphone the centerpiece of our digital lives. שליטה על כל הבית דרך הפלאפון
http://eyal-ips.com/ חברה שבודקת וחוזה מכירות לספקים
ולקמעונאות We
predict the future sales (products and services) based on the first few weeks
of sales.
http://www.yadwire.com/ חברה
שמוכרת אנטרנט אלחטי ביחד עם פרסומות (לא ברור איך)
http://www.liveu.tv/ LiveU
is an innovative startup that develops and provides a live Video Uplink
Solution over multiple cellular networks at broadcast quality which provides
instant setup time, connects to any video camera and allows going live in
seconds. טלויזיה
http://jamstar.co/ אתר
ללימוד נגינה על גיטרה. JamStar changes the way people
learn and play musical instruments by providing a fun interactive practicing
experience. JamStar listens to you play your guitar and gives you immediate
feedback. It helps people learn and practice musical instruments while enjoying
a rock star experience.
https://app.bettersalez.com/ אתר Sales is all about
keeping the momentum going. BetterSalez is a set of visual and intuitive apps
that help freelancers, consultants and sales people to keep their sales
momentum going.
http://www.aternity.com/ אפליקציות לשרתים ומשתמשי קצה Powerful
Application Performance Management and end user monitoring tools
http://www.dooblo.net/ תוכנה
ליצירת סקרים בפלאפון ובמחשב The leader in face to
face tablet survey software. Used by top market research companies in the world.
https://www.capriza.com/ Still in stealth... חיבור
בין כמה תוכנות לרשתות חברתיות (לא סימו ולא ברור עדין מה הענין)
הוד השרון:
Simplee The simple way to track and pay your medical
Clarizen is a cloud-based
collaborative project management solution.
אין תגובות:
הוסף רשומת תגובה